In the framework activities of the Università Iuav di Venezia PhD Programme and of the Associazione Aicap workgroup “Relazioni con l’Università”, Fire and Blast in RC Structures is a course that covers both basic and advanced topics in fire and blast load on reinforced concrete (RC) structures.
Both basic and advanced topics concerning fire and blast effects on reinforced concrete (RC) structures are treated in this course, which is organized into two modules.
The first module deals with fire in RC structures, through an overview of significant real fires and reduced
or full-scale fire tests, with an in-depth discussion on materials’ behaviour at high temperatures.
The main differences between the standard and advanced approaches in modelling the fire scenario are discussed as well. Then, the steps required by the thermo-mechanical analysis of RC structures are covered for different levels of approximation with an application to a case study.
The second module is focused on the behaviour of reinforced concrete members under blast loading. The steps necessary to build up a reliable nonlinear dynamic model are analysed, considering the possible collapse scenarios and particularly flexural failures. The numerical methods necessary to solve the problem are. presented with
a detailed analysis of the algorithms, inclusive of their implementation. A comparison between simplified and advanced models is provided as well, to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the various approaches. The course will enable the students to use simplified methods in the thermo-mechanical analysis of RC structures under blast and fire loading, taking care of the field of applicability of each method.
A final test is required for students who need the formative credits.
Thanks to Applied Science International, LLC – ASI sponsor of the course.
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